Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Laurence Danlos, Introduction to NLP, 28h, L3, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Laurence Danlos, Discourse, NLU and NLG, 28h, M2, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Marie-Hélène Candito, Information retrieval, 12h, M2, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Marie-Hélène Candito, Clustering and Classification, 12h, M2, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Marie-Hélène Candito, Automatic semantic analysis, 12h, M2, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Marie-Hélène Candito, Machine translation, 48h, M1, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Benoît Crabbé, Linguistic data analysis, 24h, M2, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Benoît Crabbé, Introduction to computer science, 24h, L3, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Benoît Crabbé, Introduction to Statistics and Probability, 24h, L3, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Benoît Crabbé, Probabilistic methods for NLP, 48h, M1, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Benoît Crabbé, Introduction to Computational Linguistics, 24h, L3, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Benoît Sagot, Natural Language Parsing, 28h, M2, Université Paris-Diderot, France

  • Djamé Seddah, Linguistic Models and Computational Linguistics, 38h, M1, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France

  • Djamé Seddah, Machine Translation, 30h, M2, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France

  • Djamé Seddah, C2I, 30h, L2, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France


  • Charlotte Roze, Vers une algèbre des relations de discours, Université Paris-Diderot, May 22, PhD thesis supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Philippe Muller

  • Enrique Henestroza Anguiano, Efficient Large-Context Dependency Parsing and Correction with Distributional Lexical Resources, Université Paris-Diderot, June 27, PhD thesis supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Alexis Nasr and Marie-Hélène Candito

  • Rosa Stern, Identification automatique d'entités pour l'enrichissement de contenus textuels, Université Paris-Diderot, June 28, PhD thesis supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Benoît Sagot

  • Pierre Magistry, Unsupervised Word Segmentation and Wordhood Assessment: the case for Mandarin Chinese, Université Paris-Diderot, December 19, PhD thesis supervized by Sylvain Kahane, co-supervized by Benoît Sagot and Marie-Claude Paris

  • Corentin Ribeyre, vers la syntaxe profonde pour l'interface syntaxe-sémantique, started in November 2012, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Djamé Seddah and Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie.

  • Isabelle Dautriche, Exploring early syntactic acquisition: a experimental and computational approach, started in September 2012, co-supervized by Benoît Crabbé.

  • Marion Baranes, Correction orthographique contextuelle de corpus multilingues et multicanaux, started in January 2012, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Benoît Sagot, in collaboration with the viavoo company.

  • Marianne Djemaa, Création semi-automatique d'un FrameNet du français, via interface syntaxe-sémantique, started in October 2012, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervised by Marie-Hélène Candito

  • Chloé Braud, Développement d'un système complet d'analyse automatique du discours à partir de corpus annotés, bruts et bruités, started in September 2011, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Pascal Denis

  • Valérie Hanoka, Construction semi-automatique de réseaux lexicaux spécialisés multilingues, started in January 2011, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Benoît Sagot

  • Emmanuel Lassalle, Résolution automatique des anaphores associatives, started in September 2010, supervised by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Pascal Denis


We do not mention in this section participations to PhD defense committees as supervisor or co-supervisor.

  • Laurence Danlos served in the PhD defense committe of Noémie-Fleur Sandillon-Rezer. Field: computer science. Title: Acquisition de grammaires catégorielles à partir de corpus annotés. Other members of the committee: Christian Rétoré (U. Bordeaux, supervisor), Richard Moot (CNRS, co-supervisor), Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh, reviewer), Annie Forêt (U. Rennes, reviewer), Alexis Nasr (U. de la Méditerrannée), Géraud Sénizergues (U. Bordeaux), Tim van de Cruys (CNRS).

  • Marie-Hélène Candito served in the PhD defense committe of Assaf Urieli. Field: linguistics. Title: Robust French syntax analysis: reconciling statistical methods and linguistic knowledge in the Talismane toolkit. Other members of the committee: Ludovic Tanguy (CNRS, supervisor), Alexis Nasr (U. de la Méditerrannée, reviewer), Éric Wehrli (LATL, reviewer), Nabil Hathout (CNRS).

  • Djamé Seddah served in the PhD defense committe of Anthony Sigogne. Field: computer science. Title: Intégration de ressources lexicales riches dans un analyseur syntaxique probabiliste. Other members of the committee: Eric Laporte (U. Paris-Est, supervisor), Matthieu Constant (U. Paris-Est, co-supervisor), Alexis Nasr (U. de la Méditerrannée, reviewer), Thierry Poibeau (CNRS, reviewer), Isabelle Tellier (U. Sorbonne-Nouvelle).

  • Benoît Sagot and Laurence Danlos served in the PhD defense committee of Rosa Stern, as PhD supervisors. Field: linguistics. Title: Identification automatique d'entités pour l'enrichissement de contenus textuels. Other members of the committe: Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, reviewer), Frédéric Béchet (U. de la Méditerrannée, reviewer), Éric Charton (U. Polytechnique de Montréal), Denis Teyssou (AFP, CIFRE industrial supervisor)

  • Laurence Danlos served in the PhD defense committe of Charlotte Roze, as PhD supervisor. Field: linguistics. Title: Vers une algèbre des relations de discours. Other members of the committee: Philippe Muller (IRIT, co-supervisor), Francis Corblin (U. Paris Sorbonne, reviewer), Owen Rambow (Columbia University, reviewer), Liesbeth Degand (U. Catholique de Louvain), Laure Vieu (CNRS).

  • Laurence Danlos (supervisor) and Marie-Hélène Candito (co-supervisor) served in the PhD defense committe of Enrique Henestroza Anguiano. Field: computer science. Title: Efficient Large-Context Dependency Parsing and Correction with Distributional Lexical Resources. Other members of the committe: Alexis Nasr (U. de la Méditerrannée, co-supervisor), Matthieu Constant (U. Paris-Est, reviewer), Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, reviewer), Bernd Bohnet (University of Birmingham).

  • Sylvain Kahane (supervisor) and Benoît Sagot (co-supervisor) served in the PhD defense committe of Pierre Magistry. Field: linguistics. Title: Unsupervised Word Segmentation and Wordhood Assessment: the case for Mandarin Chinese. Other members of the jury: Marie-Claude Paris (U. Paris-Diderot, co-supervisor), Hsieh Shukai (National Taiwan University, reviewer), Yves Lepage (Waseda University, reviewer), Pierre Zweigenbaum (CNRS).